If you’re over 50 and reading this, the chances are you’ve already made and signed a will, and have a fairly clear idea about what you wanted to put in it. Having said that, a recent British survey suggested that 42% of over-55s didn’t have a will, so if you’re one of that large minority now is the time to make amends!

It goes without saying that by making a properly drawn-up will, you – rather than the state – decides what will happen to your property and possessions after your death, making sure that your loved ones are provided for and have one less thing to worry about. At a time when families are becoming increasingly far-flung and litigation lurks at every turn, making a will has never been more important. There are also financial considerations, such as inheritance tax, which make writing a will a sensible option.

Have you made a will? If so, have you reviewed it recently? Time and circumstances might well mean that a will made several years ago is no longer appropriate to your current situation.

If you have made your will, and you have checked that it is up to date, then you can be sure that your wishes will be carried out when the time comes. And you can stop worrying about how the world will cope without you!